Identity Details Menu
Based on the IdentityIQ configuration and your role, the following options may be available as left navigation options for identities being viewed or edited:
Edit– edit identity details.
Forward– assign an identity to whom all work items assigned to the current identity will be forwarded and define a start and end date for forwarding.
Attributes– view the basic user identity information from Identity Mapping such as user name, first name, last name, and email.
Access– view all roles and entitlements associated with the identity. By default, the identity's direct access is shown. You can select the Effective Access button at the top right to see the identity's effective access. Effective Access is any indirect access that is granted through another object, such as group membership, another role, or an unstructured target.
Accounts– view account information for all of the applications to which the identity has some level of access.
Account Passwords– manage account passwords for one or more applications.
System Password– change the IdentityIQ system password for the identity.