Configuring Full Text Searching

When full text searching is enabled, you can use the following types of searches to find the correct access to request:

  • Keyword search – search based on keywords that relate to role, entitlements and descriptions.

  • Affinity search – search for access based on what other users who are similar to them currently have.


Feature / Enhancement



Keyword search

Search that finds results based on role and entitlement names, descriptions and extended attributes using relevance-based search and predictive analytics.

Provides a familiar shopping experience for end users. The keyword search makes it possible for end users and managers to find the right access to request.

Affinity Search

Guides users to the right access to request by enabling them to find roles or entitlements assigned to specific users or a population of users.

Enables users to locate roles and entitlements by reviewing access that others in the organization have. The affinity search provides a controlled, governance-based approach that enables you to compare similar access and view any areas of risk, such as high identity risk scores or open policy violations.