Changing Access Sunrise and Sunset Dates
Sunrise and sunset dates support the temporary assignment of roles and entitlements by letting you set a beginning (sunrise) and an end (sunset) date for access. Access is deprovisioned when the sunset date arrives. For information on using sunrise and sunset dates for entitlements, see Using Sunrise and Sunset Dates for User Access For information on using sunrise and sunset dates for roles, see Using Sunrise and Sunset in Roles.
Before completing an access request, you can set a beginning and ending date for a line item in an access request or for the full request. If all the dates in the access request are the same, the global date icon is green. If the dates for one or more line items in the access request are different, the date icon is gray.
For line items, set sunrise/sunset dates by completing these steps:
On the Review tab, select the date icon for the line item in the access request.
In the Set Sunrise / Sunset Dates dialog, type a new date in the field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or select the calendar to choose a date.
Select Save.
For full requests, set global sunrise / sunset dates by completing these steps:
On the Review tab, select the date icon for the access request.
In the Set Sunrise / Sunset Dates dialog, type a new date in the field in the mm/dd/yyyy format or select the calendar to choose a date.
Select Save.
Note: If you specify a global sunrise / sunset date on an entire access request and then change the global setting, the new global setting overrides any individual line item date settings you may have made.
Note: For this feature to be available to users, the administrator must enable the option to allow sunrise / sunset dates on role assignment.