Identity Warehouse Page

The Identities table contains basic user information for every identity discovered during the latest aggregation process. Identities can include non-human identities, such as service accounts and bot identities, as well as users.

Note: By default, only active identities are displayed.

Note: Many columns in the table can be sorted. Click the column title to sort the table by the entries in that column in ascending order. Click again to sort the table in descending order. You can also click the associated dropdown menu to sort or to add or remove columns in the table.

To Search for identities, enter a letter, or combination of letters into the Filter By Identity Name field above the list of identities. Then click the search icon (magnifying glass) to find identities that have that letter combination in their name.

The Identity Warehouse listing contains this information for each identity:

Column Name


User Name

The user's account ID or login name.

First Name

Full first name of the user.

Last Name

Full last name of the user.


Name of the manager for the user.

Assigned Role Summary

A complete list of all roles assigned to the user.

Detected Role Summary

A complete list of all detected roles for the user.

Risk Score

The composite risk score for the user. Risk score is determined by numerous factors defined during configuration.

Last Refresh

The date of the last identity refresh.


The type assigned to this identity, Employee, Contractor, External / Partner, RPA / Bots, or Service Accounts.


The physical location of the user. For example, Chicago or Singapore.


The corporate region assigned to the user. For example, Americas or Asia-Pacific.

Click any identity to display the View Identity page.