Rules in Certifications

Certifications can use rules to customize certification behavior. Rules enable you to insert your own logic to modify the behavior of the certification; for example, you could write a rule to exclude your executive management team from certifications, or to add an additional level of sign-off approval to an access review. Rules are written using BeanShell, a lightweight Java-based scripting language. IdentityIQ provides a standard set of example rules that you can import to use as starting points for developing your own rules, in an examplerules.xml file.

When you set up a certification, there are numerous places where you can choose rules to modify the certification's behavior. Every rule has a type that categorizes it, and in certifications, the rule type determines where and how in the certification the rule can be used, and what kind of effect or purpose it has. Rules that are applicable to certifications are listed here, in the order in which they would be run in a certification.

For an overview of developing and using rules in IdentityIQ, see Rules and Scripts in IdentityIQ.