Compliance Manager Setup

You can set global defaults for all your certifications and access reviews, in the Compliance Manager global configuration. Global settings include things like challenge and revocation periods, the options and requirements for access reviewers, which bulk actions are enabled, and email templates.

The Compliance Manager global settings determine the default behavior for certifications and access reviews, which can be changed at the individual certification level when the certification is scheduled. Any fields that behave differently, that is, that can not be changed by an individual certification scheduler, are noted as such in the field descriptions below.

Because configuration options are based on your deployment, your available options may not include all the options described in this document.

To access the Compliance Manager setup options, click the gear icon on the Navigation menu bar and choose Compliance Manager.

Note: Do not open multiple tabs or browsers when setting global configurations. Working in multiple tabs might cause changes made in one tab to overwrite changes made in the other.