Workflow Forms
Standard work item forms are available for presenting approval or other data requests to approvers. However, some installations prefer to use custom forms for these activities. Based on the type of the data collection effort, a custom form might be required. You can build a custom form using a <Form> element in the XML that is embedded within the <Approval> element.
Note: The <Approval> element can be used to collect data from a user, even if the workflow is not an approval. You generally use custom forms for these activities because the normal approval forms do not apply. However, you can also use custom forms for traditional approval activities when you need a different presentation format.
The basic elements in a Form definition are:
<Attributes> (map of name/value pairs that influence the form renderer)
<Button> (determine form processing actions)
<Section> (Subdivision of form; may contain nested Sections and Fields)
<Field> (may contain Attributes map, Script to set value, Allowed Values Definition script, and Validation Script)
For detailed information about working with forms, see Forms.