Approvals for Changes to Entitlements

Beginning with version 8.2 of IdentityIQ, the default behavior is to require an approval when an entitlement is changed. The approval path is managed by the Entitlement Update business process.

This business process identifies an approver, which by default is the owner of the entitlement. If no owner has been specified for the entitlement, the approval is routed to the fallback approver, which by default is the owner of the application that is the source for the entitlement.

Disabling Approvals for Changes to Entitlements

If you don't want to require approvals for changes to entitlement, you can edit the business process to disable approvals:

  1. Click Setup > Business Processes.

  2. Select the Entitlement Update business process.

  3. Click the Process Variables tab.

  4. Edit the approver variable to set the Initial Value to String. Make sure that the Value field is blank.

  5. Save the change. Note that if you reopen the approver value to verify your changes, no type of Initial Value will show as selected.

  6. Edit the fallbackApprover variable in the same manner, changing Initial Value to String and making sure the Value field is blank.

  7. Save your change.

For more information on IdentityIQ business processes, see Business Processes.