If you encounter any of the following issues or errors, SailPoint recommends that you follow the guidance provided below to resolve the error before contacting SailPoint Support.

Resolution : One of the possible reason is mandatory attribute “cf_SecurityGroupName
" is missing. Create in workday tenant by navigating to task “Create Calculated Field” and add the following property.

The account aggregation fails with the following error message:
Resolution: GET Permissions for the attribute “User-based Security groups”. This corresponds to the element “USER_BASED_SECURITY_GROUPS” on the default account schema.

Resolution : In order to improve the performance of the aggregation, specify the following parameter.
POST https://{orgName}{workdaySourceID}
Form-Data: key:connector_aggregationThreadSize
value: <Number of aggregation Threads/>
POST https://{orgName}{workdaySourceID}
key: connector_aggregationThreadSize
value: 4
Note : The Value of the Thread needs to be determined as per the

Reduce the number of instances returned by using request criteria, response filters, or date ranges. Your request returns <number of instances>, which is more than the limit of 1000000.
Resolution: Use the light weight test connection operation for OAuth 2.0 authentication by setting lightWeightTestConnection
to true
using the Identity Security CloudREST APIs. Refer to Best Practices: REST API Authentication and REST API - Update Source (Partial).
In this case, if the "Integration" permission is not provided, add this functional area permission to the API Client Integration used for OAuth 2.0.

The task submitted is not authorized.
Resolution: Verify the following:
For Basic authentication, the service account must include the Manage: Service Center permission.
For OAuth 2.0 authentication, the Workday Account used by the API Client to generate the refresh token must be an integration user and have the Manage: Service Center permission.

Explanation : This issue generally occurs when there is firewall in between
Please verify if there are any firewall rule present in the customer’s environment. If so, please check port 443 and Workday URL is unblocked .
It has been observed that when customer hits the below request from another machine using postman/soap tool, they receive the response. But ideally, it should be tested from server of virtual appliances using below CURL command. Customer needs to create a xml file on VA adding below request and in the file they need to provide the username and password as provided in application xml and hit the below CURL command from terminal.
curl -X POST -d @TestConnection.xml{tenant_name}/Human_Resources
<ns1:Get_Workers_Request xmlns:ns1="urn:com.workday/bsvc"
</soapenv:Envelope> -
If terminal throws any error for above command then they can check with Network Team.

Explanation: <faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client.validationError</faultcode>
The entered information does not meet the restrictions defined for this field.
Resolution: This error occurs due to the permission issue. To avoid this instance, make sure that the service account is added to an unconstrained security group.

Resolution: This is a workday API limitation wherein more than one entitlement cannot be requested simultaneously.
Customer may either send the request for two entitlements one after another or they may add all required entitlements in a single API and provision this API.