Basic Authentication

Workday Accounts supports provisioning of Organization Roles.

The "Manage: Service Center" permission is required to aggregate service center representative accounts.

The following permissions are the required for the user in Workday Accounts:


Get Permission

Put Permission

Aggregate Workday Account



Workday Account




Worker Data: Public Worker Reports

Manage Service Center

Manage: Organization Integrations

Update and Enable/Disable Workday Account


Workday Accounts Domain

Aggregate Organization Roles

Manage: Organization Roles


Add/Remove Organization Roles


Roles: Manage

Manage: Organization Roles

Assign Role (Web Service) from Business Process Security Policy

Aggregate user-based Security Groups

User-Based Security Group Administration


Provision user-based Security Groups


Assign Domain Security Policy Permissions to Security Group: User-Based Security Group Administration


  • All the permissions should be assigned under “Integration Permissions” section.

  • Provisioning of Organization Roles is supported for Workday API version 30.1 and onwards.

  • On the Workday system, inactive Security Groups are not visible on the UI, however they are aggregated by the connector and can be provisioned. For aggregation of inactive Security Groups, User-Based-Security-Group must have the ID that is assigned while creating the security group in the Workday system.

  • The Manage: Service Center permission is required to aggregate service center representative accounts.

  • The Manage: Organization Integrations permission is required to use the organization type filter.