XPATH to Support Additional Standard Attributes in Schema

The Workday source provides support to aggregate fields in addition to the fields present in the default account schema. The default Workday source includes XPATHs for all default business processes. If you must aggregate future data and future actions for a different business process, you must define the new XPATHs for that business process.

To fetch the additional standard Workday fields during account aggregation, perform the following:

  1. Add the attributes to the account schema.
  2. Provide the XPATH for the attributes.

    For example, to fetch work email address, add an entry in the XpathAttributesMap as follows, where the value of the entry will be the XPATH required to fetch the required field:




    ns1:Worker_Data/ns1:Personal_Data/ns1:Contact_Data/ns1:Email_Address_Data[ns1:Usage_Data[@ns1:Public='true']/ns1:Type_Data[@ns1:Primary='true']/ns1:Type_Reference/ns1:ID[@ns1:type='Communication_Usage_Type_ID'] ='WORK']/ns1:Email_Address

If you add the XPATHs for a new business process, you have to provide all XPATHs for all business processes. This must include the defaults along with the new XPATHs.