Rescinded and Corrected User Records

The Workday source aggregates the following attributes for the rescinded and corrected user records (as mentioned in the table below):




User Records





Hire records: If the hired worker is rescinded on the Workday managed system, then the source returns that record in full aggregation.

Terminate records: If the worker is terminated and termination is rescinded on the Workday managed system, then the source will return the updated data accordingly.

The Workday source deletes the Future_Action and Future_Date for future termination after the full aggregation.


Hire and Terminate records: If the future hiring/terminating worker process is corrected in the Workday system (that is, another hire date has been set up other than the existing one), then the source will correct the data according to the Workday managed system.

The specified corrected event date must be within the offset range.

Aggregation of Rescinded Future Hire Records

The Workday source supports aggregation of the future rescinded hire records. The following are mandatory to support this feature:

  • Add IS_RESCINDED attribute in account schema.

  • Enable the Aggregate Rescinded Future Hires option in the UI.

With this feature the source maintains the account link for future rescinded hires, which can be used to trigger the workflows.

The link is maintained with the following attributes for rescinded future hires, after full or delta aggregation:

  • email

  • file number

  • future action

  • future date


  • first name

  • last name

On the Workday source UI, select Aggregate Rescinded Future Hires, to retain the record for the canceled future hires to support the leaver workflows.

Aggregation of Rescinded Past Hire Records

The Workday source supports aggregation of the rescinded past hire records. To support this feature, add the IS_RESCINDED, RESCINDED_DATE, and RESCINDED_DESCRIPTION attributes in the account schema. With this feature, the Workday source maintains the account link for rescinded past hires, which can be used to trigger the workflows.

On the Workday source in the Aggregation Settings > Filter Settings section, select Aggregate Rescinded Past Hires, to retain the record for the canceled past hires to support the leaver workflows.


  • To fetch rescinded past hires data for a worker, their hire date must be in the Past Rescinded Offset range.
  • The link is maintained for rescinded past hires after full or delta aggregation.

Aggregation of Corrected Future Hire Records

The Workday source supports aggregation of the corrected future hire records whether or not they are in the Future Offset range if the deleteRescindCorrectedLink attribute is marked as false.

With the deleteRescindCorrectedLink attribute marked as true, the link for corrected future hire records falling outside the future offset range is not maintained.

If you want to update the source with the flag, use the following API body:

        "op": "Add",
        "path": "/connectorAttributes/deleteRescindCorrectedLink",
        "value": "true"

For more information on SailPoint's REST APIs, refer to Best Practices: REST API Authentication and REST API - Update Source (Partial) in the SailPoint Developer Community.