Configuration to Update Custom Attributes in Workday

The Workday source supports fetching the custom attributes for converted workers and future dated workers in full and delta aggregation.

In the Workday system the effective dated custom attribute is not transferred from contractor to converted employee. It is manually required to re-enter the details for the worker.

The Workday source provides the ability to update the custom attributes through REST APIs.

Perform the following procedure to update custom attributes:

  1. In the Workday managed system, search for the Create Custom Object Task.

  2. Select the Workday business object that the custom object will extend from the Workday Object field and specify it accordingly.

  3. Define a Custom Object Name, which will be used to group custom fields throughout the application in Custom Object Name field, and click OK to proceed.

  4. Using Edit Custom Object task, enter the custom object name.

  5. Under the Field Definitions section, add the required field labels and specify their types. These fields will be associated with the custom object.

  6. Add the following security domain permissions to the custom object Integration Process:

    • Integration Process

    • Integration Security

    After applying the required permissions, click OK.

  7. The Activate Custom Object page will appear.

  8. The custom object needs to be activated for the update process. Provide a Display Name and other relevant details.

    Click OK to activate the custom object.

    For example, vehicledetails is the custom object and vehicleType is the field or custom attribute associated with the custom object, add the custom attribute vehicleType __c in workday application schema.

    Manually add the restCustomObjectAliasMap in the application map. If required, the map can have multiple values.

    Use the Identity Security Cloud REST API,

    For more information on SailPoint's REST APIs, refer to Best Practices: REST API Authentication and REST API - Update Source (Partial) in the SailPoint Developer Community.

    Key: (Map)restCustomObjectAliasMap

    Value: {"vehicletype __c ":"vehicledetails.vehicletype"}

Create API Client for Integration

For more information on creating the API Client, refer to Create API Client for Integration.

  1. Using the Register API Client for Integrations task, register a new API Client for Integrations with the following configurations:
    1. Client Name
    2. Grant type: Authorization Code Grant
    3. Access token: Bearer
    4. Select the Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens option.
    5. Uncheck the Disabled option.
    6. Select the Scope (Functional Areas):
      • Staffing

      • Contact Information

      • Personal Data

      • Integration

      • Organization and Roles

  2. Use View API Client for Integrations to generate a refresh token.
    1. Select the API client (created above) and go to API Client Actions > API Client > Manage Refresh Tokens for Integration
    2. Select the Workday Account for which the refresh token must be generated and select Next.
    3. Select the Generate New Refresh Token option and select OK.