Single API Calls

The Web Services SaaS connector supports sending data for multiple users in a single API call. If the managed system supports sending data for multiple users in single call, the single API call can be enabled or configured by adding the evalPattern.

Add the following evaluation pattern function to the Body or URL to send attributes in the request:


The following table describes the terminologies used in the above evaluation pattern (evalPattern) function which is used to specify the repeated pattern of attributes data to be resolved:




Repeated pattern for set of Users in the request.


Delimiter for the repeated patterns.


(Optional) Specifies the number of users data to be sent with the request endpoint.

The default value is:

  • 10 for query parameters

  • 50 for Body parameters

For example:

  • Get Users data API:

    • Required URL

      http://Hostname:8080/identityiq/scim/v2/Users?filter=userName eq "spadmin" or userName eq "abhijit" or userName eq "wadekar" or userName eq "imran" or userName eq "test"

    • Modified URL – The following Modified URL used to get users data API has a evalPattern placeholder which will be replaced with resolved information. The placeholder string will be replaced by five repeated patterns of userName placeholders and a separator.

      http://Hostname:8080/identityiq/scim/v2/Users?filter=evalPattern("userName eq $response.userName$"," or ",5)


This functionality is not applicable for First Aggregation Endpoint.

If API supports sending limited user data, then it must be specified in evalPattern(count) to avoid failures.

Merging of Resources is done based on the ID for each endpoint which are provided as placeholders in the pattern. For example:

$response.userName$ (userName)