Enable Connector Logging
This topic provides the steps needed to enable logging on SailPoint using REST APIs.
This topic is only applicable in case VA Based integration.
The examples provided may not match your configuration. Use the logging levels and logging classes reference at the bottom of the topic to configure your API responses to match your connector.
This process is broken up into four steps:
Identify the Virtual Appliance (VA) cluster on which you want to enable logging.
Get the logging configuration for the existing VA cluster.
Update the VA cluster to enable logging levels.
Observe logging changes to the logging levels.
Identify the Virtual Appliance Cluster
Select the VA on which you need to enable logging using REST API. If you already know the VA application's id
, proceed to Get the Logging Configuration.
Make the following call to the REST API to return a list of available VA clusters:
GET /v3/managed-clusters
The REST API returns a response that looks similar to the following:
"id": "2c9180866166b5b0016167c32ef31a66",
"name": "Development Cluster",
"description": "Development Cluster",
"clientType": "CCG",
"ccgVersion": "373_535_70.2.0",
"pinnedConfig": true,
"logConfiguration": null
"id": "2c9180846a93ce60016ab29f039944de",
"name": "Cloud Cluster",
"description": "Cloud Cluster",
"clientType": "CCG",
"ccgVersion": "373_535_70.2.0",
"pinnedConfig": true,
"logConfiguration": {
"clientId": null,
"durationMinutes": 60,
"expiration": "2020-12-15T19:13:36.079Z",
"rootLevel": "DEBUG",
"logLevels": {
"sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector": "DEBUG"
The previous example code shows two VA clusters. One VA cluster has a log configuration and the other doesn't (refer to thelogConfiguration
value in each returned VA cluster). This is because one of the clusters already has logging enabled. This is just an example configuration, and your environment may not have logging enabled on a cluster. -
Identify the VA cluster that you want to enable logging on by its name or description and record its
Get the Logging Configuration
Get your selected VA's cluster logging configuration and identify the values you need to update.
Make the following call to the REST API to return the VA cluster's logging configuration. Replace
with the VA cluster'sid
attribute value recorded earlier.GET /v3/managed-clusters/{id}/log-config
If the VA doesn't have a logging configuration currently set, it returns
204 No Content
as a response. -
If the VA has an existing logging configuration, it returns something similar to the following:
"clientId": null,
"durationMinutes": 60,
"expiration": "2020-12-15T19:13:36.079Z",
"rootLevel": "DEBUG",
"logLevels": {
"sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector": "DEBUG"
}You'll need to configure the following information in the response:
is the number of minutes logging should remain enabled. -
is the default level for all logs. For more information, refer to Logging Levels. -
is a map object with logging classes as keys and logging levels as values.-
For keys, refer to Logging Classes for commonly used logging classes.
For a list of available values, refer to Logging Levels.
Update Logging Configuration
Update the VA cluster configuration returned by the REST API to update the logging settings as needed.
Make the following call to the REST API to update the VA cluster's logging configuration. Replace
with the VA cluster'sid
attribute value recorded earlier.PUT /v3/managed-clusters/{id}/log-config
Submit your configuration changes to the REST API in a JSON body.
If the VA cluster did not already have a logging configuration and you received a
204 No Content
error, you can create a new one. -
If the VA returned a configuration, you can edit it to include the changes.
The JSON body should be as follows:
"durationMinutes": 60,
"rootLevel": "DEBUG",
"logLevels": {
"sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector": "DEBUG"
}Consider the following as you edit the JSON:
is the number of minutes logging should remain enabled. -
is the default level for all logs. For more information, refer to Logging Levels. -
is a map object with logging classes as keys and logging levels as values.-
For keys, refer to Logging Classes for commonly used logging classes.
For a list of available values, refer to Logging Levels.
If the update was successful, the REST API should return a response similar to the following:
"clientId": null,
"durationMinutes": 60,
"expiration": "2020-12-15T19:13:36.079Z",
"rootLevel": "DEBUG",
"logLevels": {
"sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector": "DEBUG"
} -
Observe Logging Changes
Approximately five minutes after you update the configuration, the VA cluster starts generating log files you can review. You can view the log files in ccg.log.
The tables in this reference section list information that can be helpful when creating the JSON body you'll use to configure the VA cluster's configuration file.
Logging Levels
Logging Level |
Description |
Designates error events that might still allow the connector to continue. |
Designates potentially harmful situations. |
Designates information messages that highlight process at a coarse-grain level. |
Very verbose. Fine grain logging levels used for development and debugging. |
Most verbose. Finer grain logging levels than debugging. |
Logging Classes
Connector |
Logging Class |
Active Directory |
sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector sailpoint.connector.LDAPConnector |
openconnector.connector.unix.AIXConnector openconnector.connector.unix.UnixConnector |
Amazon Web Services |
logger.aws.name=openconnector.connector.aws logger.aws.level=trace logger.aws.additivity = false logger.aws.appenderRef.rolling.ref = STDOUT |
Atlassian Suite Cloud |
sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter openconnector.connector.atlassian.AtlassianConnector |
Atlassian Data Center |
sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter openconnector.connector.atlassian.AtlassianDataCenterConnector |
Microsoft Entra ID |
sailpoint.connector.AzureADConnector |
Box |
openconnector.connector.BoxNetConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Cerner |
openconnector.connector.CernerConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Delimited File |
logger.DelimitedFileConnector.name = sailpoint.connector.DelimitedFileConnector logger.DelimitedFileConnector.level = debug logger.DelimitedFileConnector.additivity = false logger.DelimitedFileConnector.appenderRef.rolling.ref = STDOUT |
Dropbox |
openconnector.connector.DropBoxConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Epic |
openconnector.connector.EPICConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
GE Centricity |
openconnector.connector.GECentricity sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Google Apps / G Suite |
openconnector.connector.GoogleAppsDirect sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
IBM i |
openconnector.connector.IBMiConnector |
Lotus Domino |
sailpoint.connector.LotusDomino |
sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector |
Sun One LDAP |
sailpoint.connector.LDAPConnector |
Linux |
openconnector.connector.unix.LinuxConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter sailpoint.connector.UnixConnector |
Microsoft Office365 |
sailpoint.connector.Office365Connector |
Microsoft SQL Server |
sailpoint.connector.mssql.serviceimpl.MSSQLServerConnectorV2 |
Okta |
logger.openconnector.name = openconnector.connector.okta.OktaConnector logger.openconnector.level = debug logger.openconnector.additivity = false logger.openconnector.appenderRef.rolling.ref = STDOUT |
Oracle Database |
sailpoint.connector.OracleDBConnector sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector |
Oracle E-Business |
sailpoint.connector.OracleEBSConnector sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector |
Oracle Fusion HCM |
openconnector.connector.oraclefusionhcm.OracleFusionHCMConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Oracle HCM Cloud |
sailpoint.connector.oraclehcmcloud.OracleHCMCloudConnector |
Oracle HRMS |
sailpoint.connector.OracleAppsHRMSConnector sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector |
Oracle Netsuite |
openconnector.connector.netsuite.NetsuiteConnector |
PeopleSoft ERP |
openconnector.connector.PeopleSoftConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
PeopleSoft HRMS |
sailpoint.connector.PeopleSoftHRMSConnector |
RemedyForce |
sailpoint.connector.ForceConnector |
RSA Authentication Manager |
openconnector.connector.RSAConnector openconnector.connector.rsa.RSAHTTPClient sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Salesforce |
sailpoint.connector.ForceConnector |
SAP Concur |
openconnector.connector.sapconcur.SAPConcurConnector |
SAP - Direct |
sailpoint.connector.SAPConnector sailpoint.connector.SAPInternalConnector |
logger.SAPGRCConnector.name = sailpoint.connector.sapgrc logger.SAPGRCConnector.level = debug logger.SAPGRCConnector.additivity = false logger.SAPGRCConnector.appenderRef.rolling.ref = STDOUT |
sailpoint.connector.SAPHRConnector |
SCIM 1.1 |
openconnector.connector.SCIMConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
SCIM 2.0 |
openconnector.connector.scim2.SCIM2Connector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
ServiceNow |
openconnector.connector.servicenow.ServiceNowConnector openconnector.connector.servicenow.ServiceNowRestClient sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
ServiceNow Service Desk Integration |
openconnector.connector.servicedesk.ServiceNowServiceDeskConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Siebel |
openconnector.connector.SiebelConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Snowflake |
openconnector.connector.snowflake.SnowflakeConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Solaris |
openconnector.connector.unix.SolarisConnector openconnector.connector.unix.UnixConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
SuccessFactors |
sailpoint.connector.SuccessFactorsConnector |
Sybase |
sailpoint.connector.SybaseDirectConnector sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector |
Webex |
openconnector.connector.Webex sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Workday |
openconnector.connector.WorkDay sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Workday Accounts |
openconnector.connector.workdayaccounts openconnector.connector.workdayaccounts.WorkdayAccountsConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Web Services |
sailpoint.connector.WebServices |
openconnector.connector.XMLConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Yammer |
openconnector.connector.YammerConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |
Zoom |
openconnector.connector.zoom.ZoomConnector sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter |