Enable Custom Account Attribute Support

Follow these steps to enable support for Custom Account Attributes:

  1. Add the supportCustomAttrs attribute in the source and set it to true using REST API. For more information, refer to Getting Started | SailPoint Developer Community.


     "supportCustomAttrs": "true"
  2. Create a new map in the Concur source (connector attributes) named jsonPathMapping using REST APIs.

  3. Create an entry in jsonPathMapping of the attribute for which support is to be enabled.

    Example to enable support for the Custom17 field (similarly, all required custom 1-21 fields can be added):

     "customData.custom17": "['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User'].customData[*][?(@.id=='custom17')].value"

    Example to enable support for the OrgUnit1 field (similarly all required OrgUnit 1-6 fields can be added):

     "customData.orgUnit1": "['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:User'].customData[*][?(@.id=='orgunit1')].value"

    Entry to enable support for the Default expense report approver:

     "report.approver": "['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:spend:2.0:Approver'].report[*].approver.value"

    Example entry to enable support for ADP Payroll Company Code fields (similarly all ADP payroll fields can be added):

     "adp.companyCode": "['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:Payroll'].adp.companyCode"

  4. Add the custom attribute for which support is to be enabled in Concur’s account schema.

    The name of the account schema attribute must be same as the key in jsonPathMapping.

    Example of schema attribute names for custom fields:

    • customData.custom17

    • customData.orgUnit1

    • report.approver

    • adp.companyCode