Create Profile Attributes

When SailPoint provisions new accounts to an Oracle E-Business direct connect source, it uses the attributes on the Create Profile page as instructions or a template for what to include in the account. This page is also referred to as the provisioning policy.

This page describes the configuration of the default create profile, however, SailPoint recommends that you work with Services to define a create profile specific to your company's needs.

The following generators create required information for a new Oracle E-Business account. You may need to edit the contents as per your requirements.

Account Attribute





This field uses a value in the Pattern Used field to generate the user name for the Oracle E-business account. SailPoint recommends that you set up the pattern used for this attribute as $(uid).



This field contains an initial password for the new account that matches the password policy assigned to the associated Oracle E-business source.



This field contains the Oracle E-business account's description.

The following are the additional attributes for creating a profile.

Account Attribute



The date the user becomes active. The format is yyyy/mm/dd.


The date the user becomes inactive. The format is yyyy/mm/dd.


The mode to be set for password expiration, explained in the table below.


This denotes either the number of days or the numbers of accesses to be set for the password expiration mode selected above.


The identifier of the employee. By default, this attribute is disabled. It must be mapped to the corresponding PERSON_ID attribute of the Oracle HRMS Application when you select any of the following three Account Aggregation Filters: Aggregate only employees, Aggregate only contractors, and Aggregate employees and contractors. The value of this EMPLOYEE_ID attribute must be the same as the PERSON_ID of the Oracle HRMS account. The mapping is optional for the Aggregate all users from the FND_USER table in the Oracle E-Business filter.

The following table has more information on the two password attributes: PASSWORD_EXPR and PASSWORD_NO_OF_DAYS.





N. A.

Creates the user account with the password expiration set to none.


Any Integer

Creates user account with the password expiration set to <integer> days, after these <integer> days the user is prompted to change the password.


Any Integer

Creates the user account with the password expiration set to <integer> accesses, after these <integer> accesses the user is prompted to change the password.

Additional Information

The Oracle E-Business source correctly updates the WHO columns while provisioning the entitlement. You can change the type of value mapped to a provisioned attribute. Refer to Mapping Attributes for more information. You can also reorder the attributes if needed. For more information on editing the profile on a source, refer to How can I edit the Create Profile on a source? You can work with Services to define a Create Profile page specific to the requirements of your organization.