Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams, also referred to simply as Teams, is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration.

Teams are built on the top Microsoft 365 groups. The Microsoft 365 group forms the directory object representing Teams. All identity and access controls for Teams are performed on the Microsoft 365 group. Because the Microsoft Entra ID connector deals with directory objects, Microsoft Teams are represented as part of Microsoft 365 Groups.

As Microsoft Entra ID connector deals with directory objects, Microsoft Teams are represented as Microsoft 365 Groups.

The Manage Office 365 Groups checkbox must be selected as it is aggregated as Microsoft 365 Group.

The following operations are supported:

  • Add or Remove Owners and Members

Attribute Name


Group Schema

Create Group Policy


Distinguish Teams group

Type: Boolean


Enabling Teams creation


Type: Boolean

Review Required: True

Enabling Teams creation for existing Microsoft Office 365 Groups


Type: Boolean

Review Required: True



Property: Multi-Valued

Data Type: string

Description: Owners of the group

Read-Only: False