Management Groups

Add the following attributes to your schema using the Create New Schema Identity Security Cloud REST API.

For more information on SailPoint's REST APIs, refer to Best Practices: REST API Authentication and REST API - Update Source (Partial) in the SailPoint Developer Community.

Example schema:

<Schema displayAttribute="name"  identityAttribute="id" nativeObjectType="managementGroup" objectType="managementGroup">
    <AttributeDefinition name="id" type="string">
        <Description>Fully qualified ID for the management group</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="displayName" type="string">
        <Description>Friendly name of the management group</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="name" type="string">
        <Description>Name of the management group</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="type" type="string">
        <Description>Type of the resource</Description>

The following is the corresponding sample entry of this entitlement in the account schema (if needed):

<AttributeDefinition entitlement="true" managed="true" multi="true" name="managementGroup" schemaObjectType="managementGroup" type="string">