Group Hierarchy Information

This feature shows read-only group hierarchy information. By default, this feature is enabled for new connectors.

The group hierarchy calculation requires additional MS Graph API calls, so you may see an increase in aggregation time depending on the number of groups and the associated number of parent-child relations between them.

For existing connectors, modify the group schema as follows:

  1. Use the following Identity Security Cloud REST API to add the attribute definition for the hierarchy attribute ( memberOf) along with the hierarchyAttribute property on the group schema.

    PATCH https://{orgName}{source ID}/schemas/{group schema ID}

    In the body of the PATCH, use the form-data as follows:

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/hierarchyAttribute",
        "value": "memberOf"
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/attributes/-",
        "value": {
          "name": "memberOf",
          "type": "STRING",
          "schema": null,
          "description": "Group Membership",
          "isMulti": true,
          "isEntitlement": false,
          "isGroup": false