Channel Management

Microsoft Teams, also referred to as simply Teams, is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files), and application integration.

Channels are dedicated sections within a team to keep conversations organized as per organization requirement.

Basic criteria for any user to be able to be part of channel is to be part of the team. If the user is not part of the team, then they cannot be added to the channel. Access to the channel varies based on the type of channel:

  • Standard Channel: By default, any user who is member of the Team gets membership of the standard channel.

  • Private Channel: Owner/ Admin of the channel needs to add team member to channel. By default, channel is not accessible to anyone other than owner/ admin.

As addition of user to team gives access to standard channel, removal of user from team leads to automatic removal from all channels of team including private channels to which user has access to.

This feature provides support for the following operations:

  • Aggregation of channels as separate group object.

  • Aggregation of user membership to channels.

  • (Applicable only for private channels) Add or Remove user from Channels.


  • Before enabling Teams Governance, ensure that Manage Microsoft 365 Groups is enabled.

  • Enabling Teams Governance feature can have impact on aggregation performance due to API limitations to fetch channel memberships.

Administrator Permissions


Permission Type




Create Channel



Delete Channel



Aggregate Channels



Add or Remove Channel Members



Add or Remove Channel Members

Supported Schema Attributes

To manage the channel management objects, ensure that the attributes present in Channel are present in the group schema.