Azure Role Assignment

Add the following attributes to your schema using the Create New Schema Identity Security Cloud REST API.

For more information on SailPoint's REST APIs, refer to Best Practices: REST API Authentication and REST API - Update Source (Partial) in the SailPoint Developer Community.

Example schema:

<Schema displayAttribute="displayName" identityAttribute="id" nativeObjectType="azureRoleAssignment" objectType="azureRoleAssignment">
    <AttributeDefinition name="id" type="string">
        <Description>Azure Role Assignment ID</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="displayName" type="string">
        <Description>Display Name</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="resource" type="string">
        <Description>Display name of the resource on which role can be assigned</Description>
    <AttributeDefinition name="roleName" type="string">
        <Description>Display name of the role which can be assigned on resource</Description>

The following is the corresponding sample entry of this entitlement in the account schema (if needed):

<AttributeDefinition entitlement="true" managed="true" multi="true" name="azureRoleAssignments" schemaObjectType="azureRoleAssignment" type="string">