Installing and Registering IQService
IQService itself can be downloaded from the source configuration page of the sources that require it. Note that in some cases the IQService is called the Integration Service and the Server Host in the source configuration pages for some sources.
IQService is compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocol versions.
Complete the following steps when installing IQService for the first time:
Download the Integration Service from SailPoint via a source that requires it.
Alternatively, you can download the software directly from
Go to Connections > Sources.
Select a source that requires IQService.
These include Azure Active Directory, Active Directory, HCL Domino (IBM Lotus Domino), Microsoft SharePoint Online, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and Windows Local.
If you do not already have one of these sources in your Sources page, you do not need to install IQService. -
Find the panel labeled IQService or Integration Service.
Select Download.
You are only entitled to download components for which you have an active license with SailPoint and the availability of a component for download does not grant you a license to use a component or entitle you to use a component for which you do not have an active license. Please contact your Account Representative or CSM for more information. -
Unzip the downloaded archive into the created or desired location. For example:
Verify the DLLs are trusted by checking the properties of the DLL files. -
Run the following command to install a Windows service named IQService.
IQService.exe -i
The above command installs IQService with name IQService-Instance1 and at port 5050 (if available).
To install IQService to communicate with Identity Security Cloud on non-TLS port only
IQService.exe -i
The above command installs IQService with name IQService-Instance1 and at port 5050 (if available).
To install IQService to communicate with Identity Security Cloud on TLS port only.
IQService.exe -i -o <TLS Port Number>
The above command installs IQService with name IQService-Instance1 and given TLS port number.
For more details on requirements and procedure to setup TLS Communication and Client Authentication, refer to IQService: TLS and client authentication configuration. -
To install IQService to communicate with Identity Security Cloud on both TLS and Non-TLS port
IQService -i -p <Non-TLS Port> -o <TLS port>
The above command installs IQService with name IQService-Instance1 and given TLS and Non-TLS Ports.
Start the service either from the Services Applet or from the command line by running the following command:
IQService.exe -s