Configuration Parameters
This section contains the information that the connector uses to connect and interact with Workday system through the application. Each application type requires different information to create and maintain a connection.
Attributes marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
If the configuration attribute Don't Allow Terminated Accounts is selected then the account aggregation in Workday will aggregate the user via the organization of the cost centers. Initially, it will fetch the cost centers, and then it will fetch Workday accounts from each organization in chunks.
Workday Configuration

Authentication types supported by the managed system:
Basic Authentication
OAuth 2.0

Authorization grant to be used to obtain an access token:
Refresh Token

This is valid URL to connect to the Human Resource module of workday.
URL format: where tenant1 is the Workday tenant name.
The Workday connector only supports the Human Resource module of Workday.

The name of the administrative user.
The Username must always be in the following format: username@tenantname

The password of the administrative user.

The number of accounts to be fetched per page (Limit 1 to 999).

Enter the time zone of your primary HR business operations. For example, ACT, EST, CST.
Set this parameter to customize aggregation and fetch data based on the Time Zone configured. By default, the value is UTC. SailPoint recommends the use of the Effective Time Zone parameter during aggregation.
For example, if the Workday server is in the PST time zone you will enter PST in this field.
The following are examples of supported valid timezones for Effective Time Zone:

Provide the timeout value in minutes. The default value is 1 minute.

Retain information for canceled future hires to support leaver workflows.
For more information, refer to Aggregation of Rescinded Future Hire Records

Retain information for the rescinded past hires to support leaver workflows.
For more information, refer to Aggregation of Rescinded Past Hire Records

Specify the number of days in the past to aggregate rescinded hires. To fetch rescinded past hire data for a worker, their hire date must be in the Past Rescinded Offset range.
Applicable for OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type when Grant Type is selected as Refresh Token

The REST API Endpoint
of the Workday server.
For example, https://WORKDAY_HOST/ccx/api/v1/TENANT_NAME

The Workday token API endpoint.
For example, https://WORKDAY_HOST/ccx/oauth2/TENANT_NAME/token
The values of theREST API Endpoint
and Token Endpoint
can be obtained from the View API Clients report in Workday application.

The Workday API client ID.

The Workday API client secret.

The Workday API refresh token.
Ensure that the token never expires.
Workday Provisioning Credentials Configuration

The user connected to the integration security group who will have permission to update the Workday account.

The password of the provisioning administrator.
Filter Criteria

Enter the number of days in advance to aggregate future hires and terminates. For example, enter 14 to aggregate the Workday worker 14 days in advance of their joining date.
SailPoint recommends that the end user perform a full aggregation if the Effective Date Offset is changed. For more information, refer to Future Dated Workers.

Provide comma separated values of organization reference IDs to aggregate workers from required organizations.
The Organizations Reference IDs can be found as follows:
- Search for the required organization.
- Hover over the action and then select Integration ID.
- Select View IDs and note down the ID mentioned in front of the organization type.

Provide the system ID of the integration system to fetch custom or calculated attributes.

Provide the integration field override service name.

Provide comma separated fields of the integration service to aggregate workers based on mentioned filter conditions.

The offset value, in days, which indicates the number of past days to aggregate terminated workers. The default is 60 days.

If selected, terminated or disabled accounts will not be aggregated.
(Applicable only for full aggregation) If the Don't Allow Terminated Accounts parameter is selected, the account aggregation in Workday will aggregate the user using the organization of the cost center. Initially, it will fetch the cost centers and then fetch Workday accounts from each organization in chunks.
For more information on support for filtering using eligibility criteria, refer to Support for Filtering Using Eligibility Criteria.

Retain information for canceled future hires to support leaver workflows.
For more information, refer to Aggregation of Rescinded Future Hire Records

Retain information for the rescinded past hires to support leaver workflows.
For more information, refer to Aggregation of Rescinded Past Hire Records

Specify the number of days in the past to aggregate rescinded hires. To fetch rescinded past hires data for a worker, their hire date must be in the past rescinded offset range.
(Applicable only for Basic Authentication) REST Client API Configuration

Enables the REST API configuration (REST API credentials will be used to update custom attributes).

The REST API Endpoint
of Workday server.
For example, https://WORKDAY_HOST/ccx/api/v1/TENANT_NAME

The Workday token API endpoint.
For example, https://WORKDAY_HOST/ccx/oauth2/TENANT_NAME/token
The values of the REST API Endpoint
and Token Endpoint
can be obtained from the View API Clients report in the Workday application.

The Workday API client ID.

The Workday API client secret.

The Workday API refresh token.
Ensure that the token never expires.
The values of the Client ID, Client Secret and Refresh Token can be obtained from API Clients for Integrations > API Client in the Workday application.
SailPoint recommends to performing a full aggregation if the following parameters are changed:
Effective Date Offset
- Integration System ID
- Effective Time Zone
- XPATH of existing attribute
- New attribute added with XPATH to get the correct result