Supported Operations

This section describes the various supported operations of Web Services. For certain operations, the Body must be updated accordingly with operation specific configuration parameters. For more information, refer to Operation-Specific Configuration Parameters.

Configuration for Multiple Endpoints

Perform the following to obtain the properties of account/group/Get Object from multiple endpoints:

  1. The basic attribute is obtained from the first endpoint and is then used for aggregating the data from the rest of the endpoints.

    For example, during the aggregation of Jive some attributes are obtained from first endpoint (Mapped Schema Attribute) using the following URL:

  2. Account Aggregation - 1

    1. As displayed in the following screenshot under Operations, enter the name of the operation as "Account Aggregation -1", select Account Aggregation from the Operation Type drop-down list. Select Add New Operation.

      For more information on adding a new operation, refer to Connector Operation Configuration.

    2. Enter the Context URL and select the method from the HTTP Method drop-down list.

    3. Mapped schema attributes.

  3. Account Aggregation - 2

    1. To aggregate an additional attribute from another endpoint, use the id attribute from the previous response. Add these attributes in Schema Attribute of Response Attribute Mapping and response as follows:

      ResponseThe following context URL contains id which aggregates all the groups connected to that account:$$/securityGroups

    2. Mapped Schema Attribute

    3. In the above example, Account Aggregation -1 is the Parent Endpoint and Account Aggregation -2 is its Child Endpoint.
      As a result, "Account Aggregation -1" is listed as the Parent Endpoint Name in its child endpoints as shown below: