SAP GRC Workflows

The standard LCM provisioning workflow does not support the SAP GRC integration. The following are the Custom workflows that are shipped with IdentityIQ to support this integration:

  • SAP GRC Data Generator

  • SAP GRC Request Executor

SAP GRC Data Generator

This workflow fetches the following information from IdentityIQ:

  • Details of the user for whom access is requested.

  • Details of the user who is requesting for access.

  • Details of access that are requested.

The SAP GRC Data Generator subprocess has a custom script to fetch the values, which can be changed by you as per your requirements.

SAP GRC Request Executor

The SAP GRC Request Executor workflow proactively checks for Access Request Risk with the SAP GRC server. If risk is found, it then creates the request on the SAP GRC server and regularly checks the status of the request. Since this workflow checks the status of the response at a regular interval, variables related to such polling are defined here. You can change these variables as per your requirements.

Skipping the Proactive Access Request Check

You can configure IdentityIQ to skip the proactive access check by setting the skipProactiveCheck attribute to true. By default, this attribute is set to false.

If you skip the proactive check, IdentityIQ doesn't execute the ARA web service, GracIdmRiskWoutNoServices. As a result, request IDs are created for all roles awaiting assignment by the GRAC_USER_ACCES_WS service, even if the roles don't have any risks.

To configure IdentityIQ to skip the proactive access request check:

  1. Add the following to the SAP GRC XML file:

    <entry key="skipProactiveCheck"> 

Integration workflows

The following are the custom workflows to interact with SAP GRC:

  • SAP GRC Data Generator

    • Gathers all provisioning request from IdentityIQ.

    • Filters the plans (which contain roles) from the SAP Direct application that have the SAP GRC checkbox enabled.

    • Creates a map of all the requested items which are required by SAP GRC Request Executor.

      The step to create a map from the plan can be customized as required.

  • SAP GRC Request Executor

    For a proactive check performed on the Access Request. If there is no risk found for the particular Access Request the request is provisioned and the following takes place:

    • Creates a request on SAP GRC Server.

    • Polling is done for the request till it is in pending status.

    • Receives the response back from SAP GRC Server.

    • Based on the response, this workflow takes decision whether to provision the request on SAP Server or not.

A proactive check on Access Request displays the risks even if they are mitigated earlier. Each time mitigated risks get calculated, a request is created on SAP GRC for approval.