Creating an RFC Connection on SAP GRC System

The following steps are used to create an RFC connection, which can be used as a Request Initiation System to indicate IdentityIQ connection virtually at the SAP GRC server:

  1. Execute TCODE SM59 or go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Common Component Settings > Integration Framework > Create Connectors and execute it.

    The Configuration of RFC Connections page is displayed.

  2. Go to ABAP Connections and select the create icon.

  3. Give a name to the RFC Destination in the new screen and provide the connection type as 3 means ABAP connection.

  4. Enter the details in Technical Settings, Logon, and Security. Select Test Connection and then save the changes.

  5. Go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Common Component Settings > Integration Framework > Maintain Connectors and Connection Types and execute it.

  6. In the new screen, select Define Connectors. In the right-hand section with the name Connection type definition, select SAP and double-click on Define Connectors again in the left-hand side section.

  7. In the new screen, select New Entries.

  8. Select the Target Connector from the dropdown list that was defined in Step 3. The name of the Source Connector and Logical Port must be the same as that of Target Connector. For Connection Type, select SAP.

  9. Select the newly created entry and select Define Connector Groups in the left-hand section. Select New Entries.

  10. Provide a name for the new connector group in the Conn Group column in the left-side screen.

  11. Provide any Connector Group Text and Con. Type as SAP and save it.

  12. Select the created Define Connector Group and double-click on Assign Connector Group to Group Types in the left side of the same screen.

  13. In the new screen, select New Entries and provide the Connector Group Type as Logical Group on the right side of the screen.

  14. Select the created Connector Group Type and double-click on the Assign Connectors to Connector Group section in left side of the screen.

  15. In the new screen, select New Entries and provide the same name that was defined in Step 3 under the Target Connector column in right side screen. Provide Connection Type as SAP in the same screen and save it.

  16. Go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Common Component Settings > Integration Framework > Maintain Connection Setting and execute it.

  17. A new window (Determine Work Area Entry) is displayed. In this window, select the Integration Scenario as Auth and select Continue (Enter).

  18. Select Sub-Scenario as AUTH and double-click on Scenario-Connector Link in the left side of the screen.

  19. Select New Entries. In the new screen on the right side, select Target Connector name that is same as that mentioned in Step 3.

  20. In the same Screen, select Conn. Type as SAP.

  21. Repeat Step 16 to Step 20 for selecting the different Integration Scenario types as PROV, ROLMG, and SUPMG.

  22. Go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Access Control > Maintain Connection Settings and execute it.

  23. Select Maintain Connector Settings select New Entries.

  24. On the right side of the screen, select Target Connector as the name defined in Step 3 and select App Type as 1. Select the Environment as required and PATH ID as B012.

  25. Go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Access Control > Maintain Mapping for Actions and Connector Groups and execute it.

  26. Select Maintain Connector Group Status and select New Entries in the left side of the screen.

  27. In the new screen on the right side, provide Conn. Group as the same name defined in Step 10. Select Appl Type as 001 and enable the Active checkbox for the respective Conn.Group.

  28. In the left side of the screen, double-click Assign Default Connector To Connector Group and select New Entries.

  29. Select Conn.Group as defined in Step 10. Select the Target Connector as defined in Step 3. Enable the Default checkbox.

    Perform the above step for all the actions and save it.

  30. To verify whether connector is added successfully or not, go to SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Governance Risk and Compliance > Access Control > Synchronization Job > Authorization Sync and see whether this new connector is listed in the dropdown of connector or not.