Additional Configuration Parameters

You must add the following attributes in the connector using the application Debug page in IdentityIQ.

Default Settings for Teams Configuration

Teams can be created by selecting Group Type as Office 365 and selecting teamsEnabled in Group Creation. For Teams creation owner having Teams license must be provided. By default, Teams are created with the following settings:

"memberSettings": {
        "allowCreateUpdateChannels": true,
        "allowDeleteChannels": true,
        "allowAddRemoveApps": true,
        "allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs": true,
        "allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors": true
    "guestSettings": {
        "allowCreateUpdateChannels": false,
        "allowDeleteChannels": false
    "messagingSettings": {
        "allowUserEditMessages": true,
        "allowUserDeleteMessages": true,
        "allowOwnerDeleteMessages": true,
        "allowTeamMentions": true,
        "allowChannelMentions": true
    "funSettings": {
        "allowGiphy": true,
        "giphyContentRating": "strict",
        "allowStickersAndMemes": true,
        "allowCustomMemes": true

To create Teams with custom settings, add the following entry key in the application debug page:

<entry key="teamsConfiguration" value="{"memberSettings": {"allowCreateUpdateChannels": false, "allowDeleteChannels": true, "allowAddRemoveApps": false, "allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs": false, "allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors": true}}" />

The custom settings must be in valid JSON format and HTML escaping must be performed before adding to XML, that is, double quotes must be replaced with &quot;.

Team creation within 15 minutes of Microsoft group creation can fail with a 404 error code due to replication delays. If group creation fails, retry with a 10 second delay between calls. The Microsoft Entra ID connector follows this recommended pattern.