Domain and Aggregation Settings

Provide the settings for your aggregation.

  1. Select an option from the Read Group Details menu to configure the attributes to read during aggregation.

    • Select Y to read all group attributes during group aggregation. This increases the amount of time it takes aggregation to complete.

    • Select N to only read the minimum group attributes during group aggregation.

  2. (OptionalBy default, the connector supports and manages multi-domain environments. If you want to aggregate from only a single Google Workspace domain in your organization, add the domainName parameter in the application configuration as follows:

    <entry key="domainName" value="<domain-name>"/>

  3. (Optional) Enter the Page Size to specify the number of records to fetch per page. The default is 100. The API can fetch up to a maximum number of records. The following lists the maximum number of records that can be displayed on a page for each object:

    • Account: 500

    • Group: 200

    • Role: 100

  4. (Optional) Select the Iteration Partitioning to enable partitioning during aggregation. For more information, refer to Partitioning Aggregation.

    The following fields only display when Iteration Partitioning is enabled:

    • In the Email Based Query field, enter the queries for email based partitioning. Each query must be on a new line.

    • In the First Name Based Query field, enter the queries for givenName-based partitioning. Each query must be on a new line.

    • In the Last Name Based Query field, enter the queries for familyName-based partitioning. Each query must be on a new line.


    The queries can be in the following formats:

    • A*
    • BD*
    • C*
  5. (Optional) Use the Account Filter field to configure the scope of user records during full and delta account aggregation. This filter is only applicable for user accounts and not for service accounts or domains. For example, to filter out suspended users, enter isSuspended=false as an Account Filter entry.

    For more information about the filter syntax, refer to Search for users in the Google documentation.

    This documentation is not maintained by SailPoint, and is subject to change without notice.

  6. Select Save.