Account Attributes
The following lists the account attributes:
To aggregate the Delegated administrators add the delegatedadmins
(supported with Service Account Authorization only) attribute in account schema manually.
Unique ID of the user
This is an Identity Attribute which must not be changed.
User's primary email ID
The email ID domain must be a valid domain accessible to the service account provided in application configuration.
User's full name
Indicates if a user is an administrator
Indicates if a users is a delegated administrator
User's last login time
User's suspension status
Reason for suspension
Indicates if the user is required to change their password the next time they log in.
Indicate if user's IP address is whitelisted
Indicates if a user is archived
Enable to archive the user.
If you are updating from a version prior to
The user's Instant Messenger (IM) accounts
A list of the user's email addresses
A list of external IDs for the user, such as an employee or network ID
A list of the user's relationships to other users
A list of the user's addresses
A list of organizations the user belongs to
A list of the user's phone numbers
A list of the user's alias email addresses
A list of the user's non-editable alias email addresses
The customer ID to retrieve all account users
The full path of the parent organization associated with the user
Indicates if the user's Google mailbox is created
Indicates if the user's profile is visible in the Global Address List when the contact sharing feature is enabled for the domain
URL used to set the user's thumbnail photo
Delegated administrators of a user
Groups connected to the user
Aggregates custom schema attributes
Roles connected to the user
Object type of the account
The domain name of the customer
A list of domain alias
Indicates if the domain is a primary domain
Indicates the verification state of a domain
The ID of the project that owns the service account
The unique and stable numeric ID for the service account
Name for the service account
Description for the service account
Account ID of service account
IAM resource permissions assigned to the user