
  • Configure at least one virtual appliance (VA) cluster and successfully test the connection.

  • IAM role authentication requires an AWS EC2 instance to perform aggregation and provisioning operations.

  • Based on authentication method, create an IAM user or IAM role and assign required permission to it so that it uses all the cross-account roles.

  • Create a customer/Inline managed policy in each AWS account that you want to manage with policy document specified in Multiple Group Object Source Policies and Non Multiple-group Object Source Policies.

  • Create Cross Account Roles in each AWS account that you want to manage and attach the appropriate policies to the role.

  • Based on the authentication method, create the IAM user or IAM role and assign required permission to it so that it can assume all cross-account roles.

  • For each AWS cross-account role, establish the trust relationship with the IAM user or IAM role.

    Ensure you create the cross-account role across the AWS Accounts with the same name and assign the permissions as mentioned.

  • The AWS System Administrator can refine the Permission Policies as needed.

  • The IMDS hop limit must be set to 2. Example of expected output:

    aws ec2 --profile dev describe-instances --instance-id i-0c42f9be78225a897 --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].MetadataOptions'
      "State": "applied",
        "HttpTokens": "required",
         "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 2,
         "HttpEndpoint": "enabled",
        "HttpProtocolIpv6": "disabled",
       "InstanceMetadataTags": "disabled"