List of LDAP Attribute Names and Associated Name in Active Directory
Active Directory Display Names and LDAP Names to be used while importing as a CSV file.
Name in Active Directory | LDAP Name (Header in CSV File) |
First Name |
givenName |
Middle Name/Initials |
initials |
Last Name |
sn |
Logon Name |
userPrincipalName |
Logon Name (Pre Windows 2000) |
sAMAccountName |
Display Name |
displayName |
Full Name |
name/cn |
Description |
description |
Office |
physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
Telephone Number |
telephoneNumber |
Web Page |
wWWHomePage |
Password |
password |
Street |
streetAddress |
PO Box |
postOfficeBox |
City |
I |
State/Province |
st |
Zip/Postal Code |
postalCode |
Country |
co |
Country 2 Digit Code - e.g., US |
c |
Country Code - e.g., 840 for the US |
countryCode |
Add to Groups |
memberOf |
Remove from Groups |
removememberOf |
Account Expires (use the same date format as the server) |
accountExpires |
User Account Control |
userAccountControl |
User Photo |
thumbnailPhoto / exchangePhoto (supports high resolution photos) / jpegPhoto / photo / thumbnailLogo |
Profile Path |
profilePath |
Login Script |
scriptPath |
Home Folder |
homeDirectory |
Home Drive |
homeDrive |
Log on to |
userWorkstations |
Home |
homePhone |
Pager |
pager |
Mobile |
mobile |
Fax |
facisimileTelephoneNumber |
IP Phone |
ipPhone |
Notes |
info |
Title |
title |
Department |
department |
Company |
company |
Manager |
manager |
Mail Alias |
mailNickName |
Simple Display Name |
displayNamePrintable |
Hide from Exchange Address Lists |
msExchHideFromAddressLists |
Sending Message Size (KB) |
submissionContLength |
Receiving Message Size (KB) |
delivContLength |
Accept Messages from Authenticated Users Only |
msExchRequireAuthToSendTo |
Reject Messages From |
unauthOrig |
Accept Messages From |
authOrig |
Send on Behalf |
publicDelegates |
Forward To |
altRecipient |
Deliver and Redirect |
deliverAndRedirect |
Recipient Limits |
msExchRecipLimit |
Use Mailbox Store Defaults |
mDBuseDefaults |
Issue Warning at (KB) |
mDBStorageQuota |
Prohibit Send at (KB) |
mDBOverQuotaLimit |
Prohibit Send and Receive at (KB) |
mDBOverHardQuotaLimit |
Do not Permanently Delete Messages Until the Store Has Been Backed Up |
deletedItemFlags |
Keep Deleted Items for (days) |
garbageCollPeriod |
Outlook Mobile Access |
msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable |
Outlook Web Access |
protocolSettings |
Allow Terminal Server Logon |
tsAllowLogon |
Terminal Services Profile Path |
tsProfilePath |
Terminal Services Home Directory |
tsHomeDir |
Start the Following Program at Logon |
tsInheritInitialProgram |
Starting Program File Name |
tsInitialProgram |
Start In |
tsWorkingDir |
Connect Client Drive at Logon |
tsDeviceClientDrives |
Connect Client Printer at Logon |
tsDeviceClientPrinters |
Default to Main Client Printer |
tsDeviceClientDefaultPrinter |
End Disconnected Session |
tsTimeOutSettingsDisConnections |
Active Session Limit |
tsTimeOutSettingsConnections |
Idle Session Limit |
tsTimeOutSettingsIdle |
When Session Limit Reached or Connection Broken |
tsBrokenTimeOutSettings |
Allow Reconnection |
tsReConnectSettings |
Remote Control |
tsShadowSettings |
Protect Accidental Deletion |
preventDeletion |
Manager Can Update Members |
managerCanUpdateMembers |
Primary Group ID |
primaryGroupID |
Administrative Group |
msExchAdminGroup |
Exchange Server Name |
msExchHomeServerName |
Managed By |
managedBy |
externalEmailAddress Note
targetAddress |
Add Proxy Addresses |
proxyAddresses |
Automatically Update Email-Address Based on Recipient Policy |
msExchPoliciesExcluded |
Employee Identifier |
employeeID |
The user's division |
division |